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WITS Annual Dinner 2002

The WITS graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2002 and the Annual Dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jaspan was held over the June 7-9 weekend.

Dancing at the Annual Dinner.

Graduate Paul J. Kentor of Pittsburgh dances at the Annual Dinner in honor of the Graduating Class of 2002 and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jaspan.

Guest Speaker Josh Levine to honor the Jaspans.

Josh Levine was a member of the Jaspan household during his years at WITS. He flew in from San Diego to pay tribute to the Jaspans for their warm hospitality and care that they treated him with.

Dancing at the Melave Malka.

Rabbi Zackai dancing with his former talmid and Milwaukee resident Avi Jaspan.

Singing at the Dinner.

Spontaneous singing broke out at the dinner to pay tribute to the Jaspans.

The Jaspans.

Honored at the Annual Dinner for their tireless devotion to the Yeshiva, R' Waxman, R' Cheplowitz, and R' Rauch present a plaque to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jaspan.

Rabbi Rauch shooting the breeze.

Rabbi Rauch and Mendy Levine are catching up on the news.

Schmoozing it up with R' Rennert.

Mendy Levine and Eli S. getting the inside scoop from R' Rennert.

Rabbi Rennert.

Where would WITS be without R' Rennert?

Dancing at the Melave Malka.

Yitzi Shabbat, Jordan Fabian, and R' Cheplowitz

The Chevrah.

Five F.H. Beis Medrash guys drove down for the event. Pictured are Chaim Eli Welcher, Eli S., Josh Singer, Mendy Levine.

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This site was last updated 06/12/02